The Team

Nataliia Romanova CEO Remedico

Natalia Romanova

After leading world businesses for the past 5 years as director of Marketing, Nataliia moved to Dubai and embraced an opportunity to contribute to something greater and Started Remedico in 2022.

Iurii Borysyuk Product Manager Remedico

Iurii Borysyuk
Product Manager

10 years of platform development left Iurii hungry to start his own product from scratch, so he joined the team from day one with no doubts.

Serge Dobrorez Designer Remedico

Serge Dobrorez
Product Designer

After crafting communication design and user experience frameworks for various global brands as a member of a world-known creative agency, Serge decided to flip sides and contribute 100% to one project he believed in. That is how Remedico was born.

Remedico team
And 15+ amazing people in Remedico team work for our clients 24/7 to ensure that software that powers their business never fails, never glitches, and constantly improves to make complicated things simpler.

The Company

Remedico was founded in March 2022 by Nataliia Romanova, who was looking for a new challenge in her career. Iurii and Serge joined same months and Remedico has started. Key team is based in Dubai (UAE) while the entire team is scattered across the globe and contributing to Remedico sometimes without meeting in-person even once. Design of Remedico Dental Software has commenced at late March 2022 and spanned over 13 months.

Nataliia Romanova CEO Remedico
Natallia Romanova CEO Remedico and Serge Dobrorez Product Designer

February 2023 Remedico Dental Management Software has been nominated for AEEDC 2023 Startup Batch and showcased a demo for the first lucky few. August 2023 Remedico dental clinic software has been launched in BETA for all users and the first clinics in UAE started using it. February 2024 Remedico dental EMR holds leadership in Gulf region where it has been originally launched & targets to expand to other emerging markets aiming to become a standard of digitalization of clinic management processes.

In January 2024 Remedico announced to become major sponsor for the new podcast Next Dental hosted by Dr. Ahmed Khuzae interviewing influential figures and speakers in Gulf Dentistry World. Next Dental is planning to release 10-20 shows in 2024 with notable guests discussing their hopes and fears for what is NEXT in dentistry.

In February 2024 on annual AAEDC 2024 exhibition held in Dubai Remedico announced world's first generative AI product for dentistry: Remedico®GPT. New AI Clinic CoPilot will create an unprecedented new productivity opportunities for clinic processes, marketing, and many more. Remedico®GPT is in closed beta and will be available later in 2024.


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