August 24, 2024

Probably The Best Place For Dental Students To Start Medical Practice

Probably The Best Place For Dental Students To Start Medical Practice Article Main Image

As Dentistry magazine recently reported, the Higher Education Statistic Agency in Great Britain surveyed all local recipients of higher education qualifications who graduated in 2021-2022. Of course, one of the questions was about salary and employment status.

As it turned out, dentistry is the most lucrative subject, with an average salary of about £ 42,000 ($55,490)—£ 7000 higher than the second place on this 'top list'—pharmacology and pharmacy / veterinary medicine.

Another impressive rate is the career coefficient, which shows that more than 97% of surveyed dentistry and medicine graduates were employed in high-skilled jobs compared to 51% for agriculture and food and 68% for psychology.

Thus, the UK is probably one of the best countries to start your dental practice career, considering that the average salary for full-time employees here is about £ 35,000 (£ 45,000 in London), so you will provide yourself with financial comfort at the beginning of your work.

Additional opportunities

If you are already a dental course student in another country, there is also an opportunity for you to find a place in British dentistry. 

The General Dental Council – the UK regulator for dental professionals – recently approved a new Bachelor of Dental Surgery International (BDSi) degree for the University of Central Lancashire. This program was established for overseas dentists – 18-month training will provide young, well-qualified specialists with practice experience in UK facilities. BDSi's central idea – is to attract high-quality professionals to the British dental labor market, which, in the long-term perspective, will benefit national dental health.

The BDSi course will soon be completed, and participants can send their applications to the university once they finish their third year of a dental degree at their alma mater. 

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Serhii Zhelieznikov

Editor At Large

After spending few years as a news reporter and editor in medical field, Serhii joined Remedico to make sure that growing Remedico community gets the best and the most important news. Serhii filters hundreds of titles, events and releases daily to bring only what is important.

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