September 10, 2024

Futuristic Doctors' Notebook: Helpful Addition to Your Practice

Futuristic Doctors' Notebook: Helpful Addition to Your Practice Article Main Image

Recently, ScribeERM – a company providing medical scribing services – presented the new product – ScribeRyte AI. This AI-powered software helps doctors automatically take notes during conversations with patients.

How Does It Work?

This tool uses speech recognition technology to form coherent clinical documentation using voice records and a patient's medical history. The company employed a group of experienced clinicians to tune this system for practical usage in healthcare facilities.

What's Special?

The system may be implemented for any field of medicine – it would be ready to use after a short tune for a particular professional. ScribeERM claims that such an application can save work hours for medical staff and can be integrated into more than 80 EMR systems to keep all notes in cloud storage.

The platform is customizable, has multi-patient recording, and has a simple interface, so it would be fandful in any healthcare facility.

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Serhii Zhelieznikov

Editor At Large

After spending few years as a news reporter and editor in medical field, Serhii joined Remedico to make sure that growing Remedico community gets the best and the most important news. Serhii filters hundreds of titles, events and releases daily to bring only what is important.

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